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I often times see someone want to work out, make a decision to make a change, and then fizzle out. Their old habits come back with a vengeance and the person is terribly unhappy. This is how you fix it.

There is a difference between people who stick to an exercise program and make great progress and those who don’t. In looking at all of the clients I have ever trained, the common denominator is consistency.

I have helped well over 30 clients lower their blood pressure to the point where they are off medication. It is probably much higher, I just didn’t keep a tally as I went along. There are some simple steps I follow, including keeping in touch with their doctor.

Walking lunges are fundamental to any well-rounded fitness program. If you have basically healthy joints and no contraindications, there’s no reason to exclude this move from your repertoire.

As a personal fitness trainer, I am responsible for everyone’s posture. Whether the person comes to me trying to fix it or not, I know it needs to be fixed when it is bad. Here are some of my trade secrets on how to go from hunched over to standing tall.