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Last year I got through over 50 books on subjects I never thought I would have time to read. The year before was 40 books. Here’s how you can do it.
As a personal fitness trainer, I try not to have just one person for the hour. Depending on the circumstances, I prefer 3-5 clients during the same hour. Here’s why.
If you can’t afford a gym membership or if you just don’t want to pay, here are some ways to get your gym membership for free.
Any teacher of any subject has run into this problem. You give an instruction, and it gets carried out in completely the wrong way. You then modify the words you use, and they do exactly what is needed. Let’s take a look at the subject of coaching cues.
This question comes up quite often: Can I run in Vans shoes? There are several parts to this answer, but the quick answer is: Yes, you can run in Vans shoes.
Personal fitness trainers sometimes need to take a day off. It is common practice to have another trainer help out. I actually promote this all the time. But there are some guidelines to follow when doing so.
Rock climbing, gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting and other sports can be rough on your hands. Sometimes your skin will open up during a workout or while you’re climbing. Here are the reasons your skin opens up, how to prevent it and how to fix it once it happens.
Picking a gym can be a difficult thing. Read on to see what kind of gym is right for you.
Some people don’t call it a workout unless they puke. These are very, very rare individuals but they gave a bad reputation to high intensity exercise. So how intense should your workout be?
There is an art to getting others up and moving. It consists of a little bit of leading by example, some slight persuasion and a lot of persistence.